this single statement intimately explains my greatest personal philosophy. my website is an extension of my person and it too has evolved to become as diverse as my interests. showcases my graphic, design, and creative skills while describing my interests & experiences.
i have been focusing much of my time on fine woodworking projects, many of which are featured here. i haven't lost interest in my many computer projects, but have simply broadened my knowledge, skill and project list!
should you have any questions about any of my projects please do not hesitate to contact me.
2020.08.02 ~ dusting off the cobwebs and repairing some old php widgets, my image galleries have been all messed up, standby as those get repaired. adding and upgrading where appropriate. The best is yet to come!
2009.04.10 ~ i have added some new woodworking projects, and continue to post completed projects on my lumberjocks page as well. enjoy!
2009.03.22 ~ added an awesome new CSS layout i call 'Lake'. its a photo taken of Quaker Lake the day we decided to ride our bikes around it! Enjoy!
unless noted all content is copyright mike hacker. images, data, and media are released under a creative commons license. some rights reserved.